What are the CCG’s doing about value?

Friday, April 12th, 2013

One special challenge facing NHS commissioning right now (snowy Spring 2013) is the policy being ‘driven’ by people from the healthcare sector. Defining value for money includes facets of clinical, financial and social value. The intangibles and qualitative aspects  – and how to measure them – doesn’t make it easy.

A good starting point for Clinical Commissioning Groups* (CCG’s) is to consider ‘value’ through the following 6 questions of commissioning (please note this is not an exhaustive list!) Considering these 6 simple questions will improve the approach to servive provider and supplier engagements. By the way if you have any to add, please provide your suggestions in the comments below. So, with a little help from our ‘grey-haired’ team you can vastly improve the value from your service providers.

What are the CCG’s doing about value?  6 questions to ask:
1. How robust are the audit trails with service providers?

2.What is the (current!) contractual relationship in place with the PCTs (and what are the transition plans)?

3. To what degree are current(!) service specifications being met?

4. Are performance monitoring and overall contract management processes ‘robust’ and in place?

5. Is EQIA compliance of service providers being achieved? Equality Impact Assessment is a process designed to ensure that a policy, project or, in this case, service provider does not discriminate against any disadvantaged or vulnerable people.

6. Can a thorough assessment of value from all aspects (financial, clinical and social) be provided?
Not forgeting the recent impact of the Social Value Act.

To receive a detailed checklist about identifying and enhancing CCG ‘value’ from service providers please get into touch and we’ll email it over.


*What is a CCG?

CCG’s are groups of GPs that are responsible for designing local health services In England. They will do this be commissioning or buying health and care services including elective hospital care, rehabilitation care, urgent and emergency care and most community health services.


For more ‘real life’ details have a look at this article on CCGs

To learn more about how we might be able to help you achieve your procurement goals, please contact Ray Gambell and we can have an informal chat to discuss your areas of interest. Alternatively you can call me on 01744 20698.

